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Shaping the Future

Making a Vision of the Future Real with Software

Shaping the Future

Lisa John loves working in uncharted territory. “I love taking an abstract vision and breaking it down in ways to make it real”.

Lisa is a Software Engineering Director for Cross-Domain Computing Solutions at Bosch, which is focused on the software and electronics at the heart of the transformation in mobility.

The transformation to automated and connected driving will essentially make the vehicle a “smartphone on wheels” because it can be perpetually updated and personalized.

The challenge for Lisa and her colleagues is making a multitude of sensors, vehicle computers, and software work and work seamlessly together to make these advanced technologies real.

Shaping the Future

We have to harmonize everything. The technology, the software, the vehicle architecture and the product teams.

Lisa John
Shaping the Future

Lisa uses the word “harmonize” a lot because she says that’s essential to making it all work.

For instance, she and her team are working on the software and electronics for semi and fully autonomous parking systems that will allow parking anywhere with the touch of a button. Eventually without a driver in the car.

This requires multiple systems including brakes, sensors and steering to work seamlessly together with a lot of software. “Therefore, as people, we need to work seamlessly together across many different domains,” she says.

Being a leader and making it real started in Lisa’s childhood. Her parents are engineers and as a child,

I took a leadership role and learned responsibility by caring for others. I wanted to be an example for others.

Lisa John
Shaping the Future

Lisa says Bosch is providing her with what she needs and wants in her career. She started in the company’s Junior Managers Program and has had the opportunity to work on both the Internet of Things and now on transforming mobility.

We’re ‘Invented for life’ and we’re inventing things for the first time. Because we’re privately held, we can explore and focus on the long-term and pursue lofty ideas. I get to take abstract ideas and make them real.

Lisa John

“Also, there’s career flexibility. Bosch is a major global force in so many different technologies. If you’re really passionate about something and want to pivot to a new sector or even a completely different type of job, the company supports that. You can have a varied career in various locations, all within one company.”

In terms of being a leader and woman engineer at a technology company, “Honestly, it’s never been an issue,” Lisa says.

“I’ve had great mentors, encouragement, and support. I have had a seat at the table and have been accepted for my ideas.”

Lisa says the culture at Bosch is Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in action.

Irrespective of your position or anything else, people want to hear different ideas and perspectives. You are evaluated for what you bring to the table on an objective basis.

Lisa John

For Lisa, shaping the future means making an impact and that means making mobility more accessible to those who don’t have it.

“I am close to people whose lives are restricted because they lack access to mobility. What we’re doing with automated and connected technologies can change that and significantly improve the lives of so many people around the world.”

Want to learn how you can build a life-long career at Bosch like Lisa has?

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