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Career Advancement

Transforming to Keep Up with the Speed of Transformation

Transforming to Keep Up with the Speed of Transformation

Matt Bazzle knew it was time to transform or get left behind.

All around him, every day, he sees the great mobility transformation. His company is a big part of it as is the advanced Bosch manufacturing facility in Charleston, South Carolina where he has worked for the past 27 years.

Knowing you need to transform is one thing. Having the courage and support to do so is another.

In early 2020, Matt knew he had to transform.

Bosch had made the difficult decision to eliminate production of diesel powertrain components at the site due to market shifts and the need to rebalance production across its international network.

At the time, Matt was an engineering technician on the diesel production line. “It was scary. I didn’t know what I was going to do. I looked at my resume and thought it looked bad. It had been 25 years since I was in school. I knew I needed to reinvent myself.”

Fortunately, he had mentors to help him.

To have a good mentor I think is critical because transforming is scary. You don't know what it's going to be like. You don't know if you’re making the right decision and doing it the right way.

Matthew Bazzle ChP

His boss at the time recommended he shift his career into Industry 4.0 which uses highly advanced technology and methods to make production more efficient.

It also requires massive amounts of data and the useful interpretation of it. “My boss said I was already good with data and it’s an area where qualified people are needed.”

The Charleston facility’s data architect then helped Matt understand where the best opportunities in Industry 4.0 might be as well as courses he should take at the local technical college.

Matt has since received his associate degree and is on his way to a bachelor’s degree in data management and analytics. For the past two years he’s also had a new job as a data engineer at the Charleston facility. “It’s the best job I’ve ever had,” Matt says.

Transforming to Keep Up with the Speed of Transformation

Then there’s the support and encouragement Bosch provides associates to transform so that they in turn can support Bosch as it transforms itself and mobility.

Bosch has paid for all of my school. I have zero college debt which is huge.

Matthew Bazzle ChP

Transformation and opportunity have been there for Matt since he enrolled in a Bosch apprenticeship program during his junior year in high school. That led to an “extensive journey” as he puts it, advancing through several jobs, being upskilled, and traveling all over the world.

“I’ve been to China and Brazil twice, Germany several times and Japan. I’ve worked with really cool people throughout the world and made lifelong friendships."

Transforming to Keep Up with the Speed of Transformation

“There are so many opportunities at Bosch you just have to be willing to take advantage of them. Plus, I get to work with really smart people who are always thinking of new and innovative ideas.”

Here you learn not to be afraid to try something. The sky is the limit here and it’s really cool to be a part of that.

Matthew Bazzle ChP

Matt says it also takes self-determination to be successful in life. He learned this from his father.

“My dad was one of those people that didn't hire anybody to do anything. He built our house from scratch, literally. He did all that work on his own and he always had my brother and me helping him."

Transforming to Keep Up with the Speed of Transformation

I was taught that we all have abilities, so use them. I still believe that to this day and now I am instilling that in my son.

Matthew Bazzle ChP

While Matt transforms, the Charleston site where he works is doing the same in the area of electromobility. Bosch is investing $260 million dollars to add production of electric motors for the growing market of electric vehicles.

Matt says he’s never been more confident about his future because a degree and real-world experience in data engineering is in such high demand.

Transforming to Keep Up with the Speed of Transformation

“I've stayed here for 27 years is because I have been treated well and have been given so many opportunities and support."

“I know I am on the right path. My current data engineering job is the coolest one I’ve ever had. Yet, I know I will have to keep learning and keep transforming.”

Transforming to Keep Up with the Speed of Transformation

Want to learn how you can build a life-long career at Bosch like Matthew has?

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